What is IQOS Club?
IQOS Club is a free loyalty programme from IQOS. As an IQOS user you can join and get IQOS points which can be exchanged for exclusive benefits and/or products. In addition membership gives you access to a series of privileges and experiences:
- Privileged access to EXPERIENCES through our Unforgettable Experiences section.
- Exclusive information from IQOS in our INSPIRING YOU section.
- Tailor-made offers to upgrade your IQOS device in the BENEFITS section.
- IQOS points for recommending an adult smoker friend.
- Privileged access to our limited editions.
How can I join IQOS Club?
As an adult IQOS user you can register at IQOS Club and create an account and register at least (1) IQOS device at www.iqos.com accepting the terms and conditions of the programme (“Member of IQOS Club”) It’s vital that you give us some basic information such as: your complete name, address, email address, date of birth, Identity card number, phone number and create a password for your account. Make sure you give us correct and valid information so thqt you have access to all the benefits and experiences.
Who can join IQOS Club?
IQOS users aged over 18 registered on our IQOS España database are elegible for membership of IQOS Club España (Peninsula and Balearic Islands) For further information go to Terms and Conditions.
If I join IQOS Club, what am I committing to?
When you join IQOS Club, you accept that you have read, and understood the terms and conditions, and any change or modification that we may make to said terms.
How does the programme work?
As a member of IQOS Club you will have access to a series of privileges and in addition you can earn IQOS points which can be exchanged for exclusive benefits and/or IQOS products.
What privileges do I get from being a member of IQOS Club?
- Privileged access to EXPERIENCES through our Unforgettable Experiences section.
- Exclusive information from IQOS in our INSPIRING YOU section.
- Tailor-made offers to update your IQOS device.
- IQOS Points for recommending an adult smoker friend.
- Privileged access to our limited editions.
When do my points expire?
Points obtained in the second six months of every year (from 1st of July to 31st December) will expire on 30th June the following year. And the points obtained in the first six months (from 1st january to 30th June) will expire on 31st December of that year. If you don’t exchange your points before they expire, they will be eliminated from the total in your account/profile.
What should I do if I forget my password?
If you have forgotten your password, you can re-establish your information from the log in form at login page from IQOS.com, , by clicking on “Have you forgotten your log in information?”.
You should enter your log in e-mail address and click on accept. We will then send you an e-mail with a link where you can change your password.
How can I end/cancel my IQOS Club membership?
If you decide to longer be a member of IQOS Club at any time you can contact our IQOS Customer Service Centre (900 15 20 15, or on this link for a Live Chat).
What are the terms and conditions of the programme?
The terms and conditions of the programme can be found here.
How can I earn IQOS points?
As an IQOS Club member you can earn IQOS points for the activities described in the Club benefits (link) Each activity awards you a quantity of IQOS points which you can see in your profile. The more you accumulate, the bigger the benefits and/or IQOS products you can exchange them for.
When will my IQOS points be available on my profile?
The points will be automatically assigned when you do one of the activities described in the benefits of the Club section (link).If we are talking about the IQOS points for recommending an adult smoker friend, you will receive the ppoints when your friend makes his/her first IQOS purchase,mas long as he/she isn’t already registered on the PMS database as an adult IQOS user. You can follow your recommendations in your profile at the IQOS Club and see their status.
If your friend has asked for a free loan but still hasn’t purchased the product, the points won’t appear on your profile.
Remember that your points can take up to a week to be assigned to your profile.
What happens if my points aren’t credited to my account/profile?
If you are concerned that the points for a specific activity haven’t been registered correctly in your IQOS Club membership account you should contact the IQOS Customer Service Centre (900 15 20 15, or on this link for a Live Chat).
What is IQOS Club?
IQOS Club is a free loyalty programme from IQOS. As an IQOS user you can join and get IQOS points which can be exchanged for exclusive benefits and/or products. In addition membership gives you access to a series of privileges and experiences:
- Privileged access to EXPERIENCES through our Unforgettable Experiences section.
- Exclusive information from IQOS in our INSPIRING YOU section.
- Tailor-made offers to upgrade your IQOS device in the BENEFITS section.
- IQOS points for recommending an adult smoker friend.
- Privileged access to our limited editions.
How can I join IQOS Club?
As an adult IQOS user you can register at IQOS Club and create an account and register at least (1) IQOS device at www.iqos.com accepting the terms and conditions of the programme (“Member of IQOS Club”) It’s vital that you give us some basic information such as: your complete name, address, email address, date of birth, Identity card number, phone number and create a password for your account. Make sure you give us correct and valid information so thqt you have access to all the benefits and experiences.
Who can join IQOS Club?
IQOS users aged over 18 registered on our IQOS España database are elegible for membership of IQOS Club España (Peninsula and Balearic Islands) For further information go to Terms and Conditions.
If I join IQOS Club, what am I committing to?
When you join IQOS Club, you accept that you have read, and understood the terms and conditions, and any change or modification that we may make to said terms.
How does the programme work?
As a member of IQOS Club you will have access to a series of privileges and in addition you can earn IQOS points which can be exchanged for exclusive benefits and/or IQOS products.
What privileges do I get from being a member of IQOS Club?
- Privileged access to EXPERIENCES through our Unforgettable Experiences section.
- Exclusive information from IQOS in our INSPIRING YOU section.
- Tailor-made offers to update your IQOS device.
- IQOS Points for recommending an adult smoker friend.
- Privileged access to our limited editions.
When do my points expire?
Points obtained in the second six months of every year (from 1st of July to 31st December) will expire on 30th June the following year. And the points obtained in the first six months (from 1st january to 30th June) will expire on 31st December of that year. If you don’t exchange your points before they expire, they will be eliminated from the total in your account/profile.
What should I do if I forget my password?
If you have forgotten your password, you can re-establish your information from the log in form at login page from IQOS.com, , by clicking on “Have you forgotten your log in information?”.
You should enter your log in e-mail address and click on accept. We will then send you an e-mail with a link where you can change your password.
How can I end/cancel my IQOS Club membership?
If you decide to longer be a member of IQOS Club at any time you can contact our IQOS Customer Service Centre (900 15 20 15, or on this link for a Live Chat).
What are the terms and conditions of the programme?
The terms and conditions of the programme can be found here.
How can I earn IQOS points?
As an IQOS Club member you can earn IQOS points for the activities described in the Club benefits (link) Each activity awards you a quantity of IQOS points which you can see in your profile. The more you accumulate, the bigger the benefits and/or IQOS products you can exchange them for.
When will my IQOS points be available on my profile?
The points will be automatically assigned when you do one of the activities described in the benefits of the Club section (link).If we are talking about the IQOS points for recommending an adult smoker friend, you will receive the ppoints when your friend makes his/her first IQOS purchase,mas long as he/she isn’t already registered on the PMS database as an adult IQOS user. You can follow your recommendations in your profile at the IQOS Club and see their status.
If your friend has asked for a free loan but still hasn’t purchased the product, the points won’t appear on your profile.
Remember that your points can take up to a week to be assigned to your profile.
What happens if my points aren’t credited to my account/profile?
If you are concerned that the points for a specific activity haven’t been registered correctly in your IQOS Club membership account you should contact the IQOS Customer Service Centre (900 15 20 15, or on this link for a Live Chat).