
IQOS Offers and discounts made for you.

Here you will be able to discover all the IQOS offers and promotions that we have available, for you to switch to tobacco heating. Remember that only for having an IQOS registered, you will have access to IQOS Club benefits.

If you have an IQOS friend, with their phone number or their godfather code, you can get a €15 discount. Include either of them in the discount codes IQOS field during the purchase process.​

I have one

IQOS Club is a free loyalty program for IQOS users, where you can earn points that can be redeemed for exclusive benefits and IQOS products. By joining, you’ll progress through levels (Silver, Gold, and Platinum), granting you access to a wide range of privileges and special experiences.​

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If you have adult smoker friends, recommend them to switch to a better alternative. By using your godfather code or your phone number when purchasing their first device, we’ll give you rewards or iQoins that you can redeem in the IQOS Club catalog, and they’ll receive a €15 discount on their first device.​

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